Data types in Python

Generally for any technology to understand or work as a beginner we need to understand the types/input predefined instruction of the language platform we start working. In this we will discuss the type with calling and code snippet for Data types in Python which includes inbuilt primitives and structured:

For details You can also visit Operators-in-Python

  1. dictionary
  2. list
  3. tupples
  4. factors (we will avoid these, but they have their uses)
  5. logical
  6. integer
  7. numeric
  8. complex
  9. character

A dictionary is built in data type of Python which are indexed by keys, which can be any immutable type, strings and numbers can always be keys. A dictionary are storing a value with some key and extracting the value given the key.

Syntax         Meaning
D1 = { }     Empty dictionary
D2 = {'Ax': 2, 'Bn': 3}    Two-item dictionary
D2['session']         Indexing by key
D2.has_key('UserName'),         UserName' in D2 membership test
D2.keys( ), D2.values( ), D2.items( ) lists of keys, values, items
D2.copy( ), D2.update(D1)       shallow copy, dict merging
D2.get(key, default=None)      "indexing" w/default value
len(D1)       Length (number stored entries)
D2[key] =300       Adding/changing
del D2[key] deleting
D4 = dict(zip(klist, vlist))         Construction

A list is Python-object which can contain many different types of elements inside it. This can be created using [] bracket .

# Empty
Command::  dList =[]

Some of the important command used to manipulate/operate upon the list as below-
dList.count(x)       Returns the number of occurrences of x in dList
dList.index(x)        Returns the index of the first occurrence of x in dList or raises an exception if dList has no such item
dList.append(x)     Appends x to the end of dList
dList.extend(l)      Appends all the items of list dList to the end of dList
dList.insert(i,x)      Inserts x at index i in dList
dList.remove(x)     Removes the first occurrence of x from dList
dList.pop(i=-1)      Returns the value of the item at index i and removes it from dList
dList.reverse( )      Reverses, in-place, the items of dList
dList.sort(f=cmp)  Sorts, in-place, the items of dList, comparing items by f

A tuple is a sequence of values similar to a list. The values stored in a tuple can be any type, and they are indexed by integers. Difference between tuples and list as tuples are immutable. Tuples are also comparable and hash-table so we can sort lists of them and use tuples as key values in Python dictionaries..

# Empty
Command::  dtple =()

Some of the important command used to manipulate/operate upon the list as below-

( )      An empty tuple
dtple = (0,) A one-item tuple (not an expression)
dtple 2 = (0, 'Ni', 1.2, 3) A four-item tuple
dtple 2 = 0, 'Ni', 1.2, 3    Another four-item tuple (same as prior line)
dtple[i]        Indexing
dtple[i:j]      slicing
len(dtple)    length (number of items)
dtple + dtple2       Concatenation
dtple2 * 3    repetition
for x in dtple2       Iteration
3 in dtple2   membership

Some of the inbuilt data types

`expr,...`     String conversion
{key:expr,...}       Dictionary creation
[expr,...]      List creation
(expr,...)      Tuple creation or simple parentheses
f(expr,...)     Function call
x[index:index]      Slicing
x[index]      Indexing
x.attr Attribute reference
x**y  Exponentiation (x to yth power)
~x     Bitwise NOT
+x, -x          Unary plus and minus
x*y, x/y, x//y, x%y         Multiplication, division, remainder
x+y, x-y      Addition, subtraction
x<<y, x>>y Left-shift, right-shift
x&y    Bitwise AND
x^y    Bitwise XOR
x|y     Bitwise OR
x<y, x<=y, x>y, x>=y    Comparisons
x<>y, x!=y, x==y Equality/inequality tests*
x is y, x is not y     Identity tests
x in y, x not in y    Membership tests
not x  Boolean NOT
x and y        Boolean AND
x or y Boolean OR
lambda arg,...: expr        Anonymous simple function

Data types in Python Reviewed by Rupesh on 11:02 Rating: 5

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