What is AngularJs
What is AngularJs?
AngularJs is a MVVM framework that help to create MVC and Single Page Applications (SPA) and use to developed dynamic web apps. AngularJS will be maintained and developed by Google Inc. AngularJs supported to MVVM and stands for Model-View-Whatever. It's also known as MV*. [(*) means "whatever you want to do..."]
Advantages of Angularjs
There are following angularjs features :-
- Less Coding
- More Extensive UI
- Two-way data binding
- MVC pattern
- Template and Custom directive
- Server Communication and REST friendly
- Dynamic page Linking
- Validations
- Dependency injection
The angular use prefix "ng" called Angular and It's for data binding using brackets {{}} and it handles all the DOM and AJAX Call easy ways.
What is AngularJs
Reviewed by Rupesh
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