Pattern matching with exact number of characters
with a particular character.
select * from employee where ename like '%r'
select * from employee where ename like 'r%'
pattern matching with exact number of characters.
select * from employee where ename like 'a_i_'
Use _ (underscore operator).
-One _ sign means exactly 1 character.
a) select * from employee where ename like 'a_i_'
Use _ (underscore operator).
-One _ sign means exactly 1 character.
select * from employee where ename like '%r'
select * from employee where ename like 'r%'
pattern matching with exact number of characters.
select * from employee where ename like 'a_i_'
Use _ (underscore operator).
-One _ sign means exactly 1 character.
a) select * from employee where ename like 'a_i_'
Use _ (underscore operator).
-One _ sign means exactly 1 character.
Pattern matching with exact number of characters
Reviewed by Rupesh
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