String in R

Any values provided by the user in single quote ‘’ or double quotes “” compiler treats as string


String Manipulation
·         paste() concatenates strings.
·         str_c() (or stringr) .
·         cat() prints and concatenates strings.

#Function without input/output
vectorVariable <- c("Ram","Mohan","Shyam")

paste(vectorVariable,collapse=" ")

cat(c("Primary","Secondary","Tersary"), sep = "+")

Splitting a string
·         strsplit splits the string using specific literal.

strsplit(fullname, "\\.")
#To unlist the splitted values
unlist(strsplit(fullname, "\\."))
Formatter Syntax
 format(x, digits, nsmall, scientific, width, justify = c("left", "right", "centre", "none"))
 demoformat <- format("WelcometoR", width = 8, justify = "c")
String in R Reviewed by Rupesh on 12:32 Rating: 5

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